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Password protected pages

Pages can be protected with basic auth. The username is always user.

At the site level#

To enable password protection:

  1. Go to your site settings, toggle on Password protection
  2. In the dialog, specify the password (or accept the generated one), click Save

Branch passwords are never displayed again, so make sure to save them somewhere.

To disable protection:

  1. Go to your *site settings
  2. Toggle off Password protection

At the branch level#


The password set on a branch overrides that of the site, if any is defined.

To enable password protection:

  1. Go to your branch settings, toggle on Password protection
  2. In the dialog, specify the password (or accept the generated one), click Save

Branch passwords are never displayed again, so make sure to save them somewhere.

To disable protection:

  1. Go to your branch settings
  2. Toggle off Password protection